
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Girl in Room 105 | Chetan Bhagat | Book Review

(Spoiler Alert) Are you tired of reading Chetan Bhagat's love stories? Freshen up your mind with exciting mystery thriller -  The Girl in Room 105. Chetan himself was quite tired writing romantic novels. That's why, he picked up a topic which is different from his early books. Bhagat crafted the story with his skilful writing techniques. The story is mostly narrated from first person point of view through the protagonist, Keshav. ( Picture Credit- Keshav, Zara and Sourabh are the main characters. Keshav Rajpurohit, presently, a tuition teacher at 'Chandan Classes.'  He studied engineering from IIT. He hates his job and was looking for another job, therefore, he updated his bio on LinkedIn. Sourabh is Keshav's best friend and colleague too. Zara Lone, the beautiful girl, is pursuing her Ph.D. from IIT under the guidance of Prof. Saxena. Keshav and Zara were in a relationship for  a long time. But they broke up and Zara moved on and got engaged with

Role of Edgar Linton in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

Emily Jane Bronte’s magnum opus  Wuthering Heights  is one of those canonical works or classics that reward readers at every level of literary sophistication. Emily Bronte remains a figure whose life and personality are largely shrouded in mystery. She was the second and least worldly of a triumvirate of immensely gifted writing sisters who had managed to overcome the change of fortune of their childhood to burst forth, seemingly out of nowhere, with powerful and entirely unconventional works of the imagination. One of Ellis Bell's (Emily Bronte's pen name) greatest strengths as a writer was her willingness to not spell out everything for her readers but to weave her story in such a way as to draw readers inevitably in, capturing them in a mysterious interconnected web.  Wuthering Heights  is one of those greatest love stories in the English language. Nicholas Marsh remarks: "...the story of Wuthering Heights is too strong, too powerfully alive, to be contained within the