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Morality Elements in Doctor Faustus

“Morality plays were dramatized allegories of a representative Christian  life in the plot from a quest for salvation, in which  the crucial events are temptations, sinning, and the climactic  confrontation with death.”   - M. H. Abrams (224) Doctor Faustus is the magnum opus of the central Sun of the University Wits, Christopher Marlowe. In the great Elizabethan drama, Marlowe has rightly been called the morning star. This play has been treated as a link between the miracle and morality plays and the illustrious drama of  Elizabethan period. A  morality play is a form of allegorical drama in which the protagonist, representing everyman, is persuaded by personified virtues to choose a divine way of life and shun evil. Marlowe constructed the character of Faustus as an Aristotelian tragedy intended to inspire pity and fear. Christopher Marlowe  (Picture Credit- Throughout the sixteenth century morality plays were continued to be performed. The tradition remained strong in