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5 Must Watch Movies For English Literature Students

Literature and film stand not far away, they are quite connected. By reading a work of literature, the reader has to open his mind for imaginations. Books only show words, and the images of the story are imagined in the brain. On the other hand, films give a particular picture of the story to the audiences, and the audiences get details through visual and hearing.  Literature students benefit a lot from great movies. Here, I have hand-picked 5 movies which I think you must absolutely watch if you are a literature student. The list includes movies about authors, poets, writing and setting. These movies will surely develop your taste in English Literature. The selected movies are easy to find online. The students and young adults will definitely enjoy and benefit in the long run. From thousands of films, I have hand-picked only 5 movies, because I believe they are the best of all time. 1. Shakespeare in Love (1998) Shakespeare in Love depicts an imaginary love affair involving Viola de