The Girl in Room 105 | Chetan Bhagat | Book Review

(Spoiler Alert)

Are you tired of reading Chetan Bhagat's love stories? Freshen up your mind with exciting mystery thriller - The Girl in Room 105.

Chetan himself was quite tired writing romantic novels. That's why, he picked up a topic which is different from his early books. Bhagat crafted the story with his skilful writing techniques. The story is mostly narrated from first person point of view through the protagonist, Keshav.

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Keshav, Zara and Sourabh are the main characters. Keshav Rajpurohit, presently, a tuition teacher at 'Chandan Classes.'  He studied engineering from IIT. He hates his job and was looking for another job, therefore, he updated his bio on LinkedIn. Sourabh is Keshav's best friend and colleague too. Zara Lone, the beautiful girl, is pursuing her Ph.D. from IIT under the guidance of Prof. Saxena. Keshav and Zara were in a relationship for  a long time. But they broke up and Zara moved on and got engaged with Raghu, Keshav's classmate. But Keshav couldn't forget Zara, he drank every night to forget her.

Keshav applied every method to get back Zara, but she ignored every time. He kept on wishing her on her every birthday. But this birthday was totally different. This time Zara messaged him first saying, 'So you don't even wish me anymore'. The rest followed - 'It's my birthday. I hope you remember.' Then, she said that she was missing Keshav and asked him to come to her hostel room, which is Room No. 105. Keshav entered the campus by showing his old IIT Id card and then climbed up a mango tree to reach Zara's room and found her dead there.

The next part is about finding out the killer of Zara. Keshav was truly a devoted lover, he took the responsibility to find out the murderer of his love with the help of Police Inspector Rana. The police first captured a security guard of girls hostel, who was absent from his duty at the moment when Zara was killed. But, eventually, they come to know that he is not the murderer. Then, they suspect Prof. Saxena, Zara's Ph.D. guide, who had an attraction to her and, therefore, harassed her several times. But he had a limp, which signifies that he couldn't climb a tree and this is how it saved him from being accused. Next suspect is Safdar, Zara's father as honour killing. But they also come to know he didn't do that.

Keshav and Sourabh, gradually, realized that none of them are the murderer of Zara. They took Safdar's permission to search the Zara's room. Keshav explained that Zara's single room had more space than Keshav's whole Delhi apartment. In her room, they found pregnancy kits, coccaine, a pair of earrings, a few packets of birth control and a picture of Zara and Sikander, the stepbrother of Zara, holding a gun in his hand.

Keshav and Sourabh went to Kashmir to find out whether Sikandar is the killer or not, but eventually Sikander dies by killing himself and they realized that he didn't murder his sister. Next they went through the social accounts of Zara and found her in a picture with Captain Faiz, Zara's family friend; and they also confirmed by a Jewellery Shop in Kashmir that Captain Faiz is the person who gave her expensive earrings, that they found in Zara's room. Then they went to Faiz's Delhi apartment and found the same pregnancy kit, and abortion in his computer's browsing history. Now, it was quite clear for Keshav and Sourabh that Captain Faiz made her pregnant and then killed her.

But Chetan Bhagat's didn't go so easy, he gave an interesting twist here. Keshav, just before announcing the name of the murderer, went to Hyderabad and found the real killer. They planned a 100th day prayer meet, where everyone close to Zara came to show their condolences. In the dinning table, Keshav announced the name of the murderer, that was Raghu. Everyone was surprised by hearing the name of Raghu. Eventually, they handed over the Raghu to Insperctor Rana. At the end, we can see Keshav and Sourabh had started a new job of detectives and found a new way in life.

To wrap up, this novel is very thrilling and gripping. The twist was very shocking. You can't get any clue about the real murderer before reaching that scene. If you are a thriller lover person, then definitely go for it. I'm damn sure you'll love it. But if you are only romance loving person, then you might find it a little boring after the first 50 pages of the book. Overall, it's an entertaining book. Do give it a read.

Thanks for keeping me company, and happy reading.

๐Ÿ‘‰Can’t wait to read it? Buy your copy of The Girl in Room 105 using the link below. ๐Ÿ‘‡

๐Ÿ‘‰Read the review of Chetan's other novel- One Arranged Murder



  1. Nicely explained. Very good.

  2. Thank you sir for visiting my blog. I'll definitely visit yours.


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