
Showing posts from October, 2020

One Hundred Years of Solitude is "The Bible of Macondo"

One Hundred Years of Solitude is considered Columbian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez's (1927-2014) magnum opus and is recognized as one of the most significant works in the Spanish literary canon. It provoked a literary earthquake in Latin America when it was first published in 1967. It inspired a sense of liberation in the minds of the readers and liberated them from dull realities into a world of magic and fantasy. (Picture Credit- Penguin Books) Harold Bloom, the renowned literary critic, has called One Hundred Years of Solitude as “The Bible of Macondo,” by comparing it to the Book of Genesis in the Bible: "In his subsequent work, Garcia Marquez went back to Faulkner and Kafka; but then, One Hundred Years of Solitude is a miracle and could only happen once, if only because it is less a novel than it is a Scripture, the Bible of Macondo. " (7) Macondo is a picture of the Garden of Eden that is notably discussed in the first chapter of the Old Testament, which is the

Who killed Prerna in Chetan's One Arranged Murder?

(Picture Credit-   Before unveiling Prerna's murder mystery, let's know a little bit about the story of One Arranged Murder. This is a story about love and murder. Actually, it is about one arranged marriage that eventually becomes one arranged murder. Keshav Rajpurohit and Sourabh Maheshwari are best friends, colleagues, flat mates, and business partners at 'Z Detectives.' Both of them work at Cyber Safe, a cyber security company, and besides their regular job they also run 'Z Detective'. They live in a small apartment in Malviya Nagar locality in South Delhi. But Keshav and Saurabh are not talking-to each other, because Keshav has a habit of fat-shaming Saurabh’s fiance, Prerna. Prerna is on the heavier side, and Keshav always finds some reason to take a jab at her weight, which Sourabh doesn't like at all. She is an internet entrepreneur, runs a curated food delivery called 'Eato'. Sourabh and Prerna are a cheesy and romantic couple. T

5 Must Watch Movies For English Literature Students

Literature and film stand not far away, they are quite connected. By reading a work of literature, the reader has to open his mind for imaginations. Books only show words, and the images of the story are imagined in the brain. On the other hand, films give a particular picture of the story to the audiences, and the audiences get details through visual and hearing.  Literature students benefit a lot from great movies. Here, I have hand-picked 5 movies which I think you must absolutely watch if you are a literature student. The list includes movies about authors, poets, writing and setting. These movies will surely develop your taste in English Literature. The selected movies are easy to find online. The students and young adults will definitely enjoy and benefit in the long run. From thousands of films, I have hand-picked only 5 movies, because I believe they are the best of all time. 1. Shakespeare in Love (1998) Shakespeare in Love depicts an imaginary love affair involving Viola de

Why is Malala's Acceptance Speech for the Nobel Peace Prize Unique?

Malala Yousafzai (Picture Credit- Malala Yousafzai is a young Pakistani girl whose courage and determination in fighting for a right to education for girls has made her a youth icon. Though she was just a child, she defied the Taliban in Pakistan, and demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education. On October 9th, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she was traveling home from school. The shooting left Malala in a critical condition. The shooting resulted in a massive outpouring of support for Malala, which continued during her recovery. In 2014, she became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize . Malala proves you are never too young to change the world. Malala gave an incredible speech as she accepted her Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway after becoming an icon of the fight for children's education rights. During her Nobel speech, she commented on her attempted assassination at the hands of a Taliban gunman. "The terrorists tried to stop us,&q